
A unit is a modular entity that contains the stateful module routes.

There are two create functions:

  • createRoot - creates a root unit.

  • createFeature - creates a lazy unit called a connector, which connects one by one to the parent unit.

Each creator takes the routes: Routes and an object of options

  • key - accepts string or symbol

  • routeName - accepts object with optional custom values root: "NAME OF '' PATH", wildcard: "NAME OF ** PATH"}

  • nearby - accepts lazy unit which produces feature creator. A nearby option should use only when one or more features are eager modules that connect to some module, and that eager module has its route paths.

Root creator invokes only once to initialize the hub of application. It takes initial (app) routes and options.

In turn, the feature creator is responsible for relations between parent and child units.

As mentioned above, creator functions have the second argument of options which is the object of:

  • key - unit identifier and accepts string or symbol

  • routeName - accepts an object with optional custom names for wildcard ('**') and root ('') paths

  • nearby - accepts lazy units, which are outputs of feature creator. A nearby option should use when one or more connected features are eager modules with their own routes files.

Creating Root

createRoot<AppNotes, AppChildNotes>(
      * key prop is familiar for all of us
      * it provides a possibility to identify the unit
      key: APP_NOTES_KEY,
      * you may be confused about routeName property of options
      * by default route path '' transforms into property 'root'
      * and '**' transforms into property 'wildcard'
      routeName: { root: 'home', wildcard: 'notFound' },
      * nearby prop are modules which were imported into the module
      * but they have their own routes files without direct routes relations
      * with module in which they were imported
      nearby: {
          location: locationConnector

Creating Feature

export const locationConnector: Connector<AboutNotes, AboutChildNotes> = 
    createFeature<LocationNotes>(locationRoutes, { 
        key: LOCATION_NOTES_KEY,
        nearby: {
            map: mapConnector

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