

Before we start using routeshub directives, we need to import the navigation module to get access.

Import example:

import { NavigationModule } from 'routeshub';

  imports: [
export class AppModule {

Routeshub provides a directive navLink for navigation reasons. It extends by routerLink and doing the same as routerLink . But if you replace routerLink with navLink, then and want to pass parameters, don't forget to use navParams . navLink manages dynamic paths (parameters) with the additional attribute navParams .

Usage example:

<li [navLink]="">Map</li>

<li [navLink]="">Search</li>

<li [navLink]="locationUnit.profile.state" 
    [navParams]="{id: USER_ID}">

As you could see, we can pass in the navLink route's state or it also possible to omit the state, and then navLink itself will still handle the link.

Summing navLink works in the same way as routerLink. It consumes the string or array of strings. But first and foremost, this directive was created for navigation through route states and support dynamic parameters via states.

Because we replaced routerLink with navLink, then we need another directive to manage active links. Routeshub has navLinkActive for these reasons

Usage example:

<nav class="menu">
  <a [navLink]="aboutUnit.root" navLinkActive="about about-active">About</a>
  <a [navLink]="" [navLinkActive]="['location', 'map-active']">

Works as routerLinkActive as well. This directive with square brackets takes an array of CSS classes. Without brackets, it takes a string with spaces.

Quick Recap

  • Import NavigationModule

  • navLink replaces routerLink

  • navLink with square brackets [ ] supports two types of possible values: UNIT.SPOT / UNIT.SPOT.STATE. It was implemented for more human-readable records when you can omit the state property

  • navLink with curly {{ }} brackets doesn't allow to pass UNIT.SPOT, it supports only string literals or string arrays. The only way to pass the state properly is UNIT.SPOT.STATE

  • navParams takes parameters as an object of param-value.

  • navLinkActive manages active links. Takes an array of strings in the case when navLinkActive in square [ ] brackets. Takes a string with spaces without brackets.

Last updated